The hinges on Beats by Dre headphones are notorious for coming loose, which is one of the most prevalent problems that customers report having with the headphones. That occurs most often when the headphones are used, but there are also certain cases in which the hinges are already loose when the headphones are removed from the packaging. If you have been having the same problem with your headphones, you may use a simple method to make your Beats by Dre headphones more secure.
Table of Contents
Adjusting the Latch and Catch
– Get the necessary equipment. – For this task, you will simply need long-nose pliers. If you don’t already have one, you can pick one up at the hardware shop near you for less than five dollars.
If you don’t want to spend the money on the tool, you may use anything else that has a sturdy, pointed metal tip instead.
Expose the hinges. – Make the hinges visible Take off the ear muffs of your Beats by Dre headphones and move them aside from the headband. This will reveal the hinges.
Locate the pin of the hinge. – A thin metal rod may be found positioned in the exact middle of the headband at the spot where the arms of the ear muffs connect to the band. This is the part that holds the hinge together.
– Tighten the hinge.– Grab your pliers with a long nose and carefully raise one end of the metal rod or pin toward the headband at a time using them. This will cause the hinge to become more secure and prevent it from moving around.
Take special care not to scratch the metal arm on which the pin is put or the plastic portion of the headband while you are removing the pin. Just the very end of the pin should be bent, not the full length of it. Be careful not to rip the pin out of the metal arm as well. Repeat steps 1 and 2 on the second arm if it too is loose.
Doing Tests on the Headphone
Stretch the arms of the ear muffs as far as they will go. To make the headband as long as possible, detach the ear muffs from the headband and pull them apart from each other.
Spread the arms out flat. – As if you were about to put the earmuffs on, spread them out away from your body as if you were going to do so. If you shake it lightly while holding it by the headband, you may test the headphones’ ability to maintain their place.
Increase the tension. If you are able to return the earmuffs to their original position just by lightly shaking the Beats by Dre, go back to Step 1 and increase the tension on the headphones.
FAQ: How To Tighten Beats By Dre Headphones
Q. How do you tighten Beats by Dre?
Get your long nose pliers and gently lift both ends of the metal rod/pin toward the headband one at a time. This will tighten the hinge and keep it from wiggling around. Be careful not to damage the metal arm where the pin is placed and the plastic part of the headband.
Q. How do I make my Beats fit tighter?
A common trick to make the headband of headphones tighter is to place the headphones over something (like a stack of books) that is slightly smaller than the headphones currently are and then wrap the headphones with a cord or elastic band to squeeze the headphones inwards to make them tighter.
Q. Why are my Beats so loose?
blade6462, loose hinge pins can cause this. Remove the cover plate on each side and you will see how the pins are inserted. It is possible that either they are worn or the holes where the pins go through is starting to wear out. Sometimes you can fix this by replacing the pins with slightly larger ones
Q. Why do my Beats feel tight?
Because the one-ear headphones were designed for optimal noise cancellation, which requires a tight seal around your ears, this also means they are just too tight for extended use.
Q. How do I keep my Beats from falling?
If your earbuds don’t seem to sit comfortably in your ears, you may simply need to insert them more carefully. Stretch your earlobe gently with one hand to open the ear canal while inserting each earbud, then release so that your ear cavity shapes itself around the earbud and forms a tight seal.
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